Monday, April 12, 2010


He doesn't consider others' opinions as much as he focuses on his own principles and his own values. He's always striving to serve his own selfless principles without accepting other viewpoints. This would be more obviously a bad trait if he weren't always correct, and if the world in which he lives wasn't as black and white as it is. Horatio's unrepentant judging manner always serves him well because that's how the stories are composed. In the real world, his values and opinions would be less fair due to their restrictive, ones-sided view. Nobody's really right in their judgments all the time. The fact that Horatio thinks he is always right is annoying, even though he always is. His dogmatism isn't realistic, and I like the truth more than fantasy. It least when it comes to character integrity.

As a corollary, he's too perfect.

Also, he doesn't have much of a sense of humor.

And he smells.

The movies aren't all bad, though. I like it whenever Pellow grits his jaw and says "Hornblower!" in a praising yet gruff tone. That's the best.

Also, I realize that my diagnosis might be wrong. Unlike Horatio would, hehehe. Ahem. Anyway, if you're one of my many friends who love Hornblower, feel free to disagree with me. If you mention bits from the movies that disprove my opinion, I can watch them to figure out if I'm wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Can't really say much about Horatio in particular... but being "too perfect" isn't really the defining characteristic of a Mary Sue.

    The trick about Mary Sues is that they are a poorly-done extension of the fantasies of the author. This is not necessarily a bad thing - few people cast similar aspersions on Superman and James Bond - but the key distinction, as I see it, is that the Mary Sue is unrealistically overpowered with regards to the conflict they find themselves in. A hero with any particular strength must face a conflict that constantly requires all of their strength in order for any tension to remain in the story; this is not true of a Mary Sue, the archetypical examples of which tend to waltz in and fix everything nearly instantly.
